The Healing Centre for Griefology

Transforming Aboriginal disadvantage into Aboriginal prosperity.

The five key Workshop topics are:-

All Workshops are based on the Seven Phases to Integrating Loss and Grief© model.

Utilising innovative approaches and compelling techniques that Rosemary has developed over time, workshop participants will be intellectually informed, gently challenged, and leave inspired.

A brief overview of each workshop is available here on this website. Please contact us for more detailed information on the specific topics covered in each Workshop.

If you’re providing a service to an Aboriginal community or individual at any level, the learnings from today’s workshop as non-Aboriginal service providers will assist you to minimise the distress of Aboriginal communities or individuals having to be ‘re-traumatised’ themselves as they re-tell their history.  Such teachings will enable each party to move into the business or the issues at hand’, therefore the quality of won’t be compromised.

Aboriginal service providers and organisations with Aboriginal staff are encouraged to attend.

Similarly, Aboriginal service providers will leave with a heightened sense of inspiration because they’re being up-skilled intellectually and emotionally to respond to not just their history but any racially motivated comments or behaviour’s, cultural biases, old beliefs, misconceptions, confusion and misunderstandings about Aboriginal history and contemporary issues.

Together we will aim for a deeper and more meaningful understanding of our shared history and the depths of Aboriginal loss and grief trauma so that we can engage with each other culturally and safely.

1. Bi-Cultural Awareness Training

One or Two Day workshop

By supporting your organisation to better connect to Aboriginal people, the aim of these workshops is to enable Aboriginal people to feel culturally safe and inclusive in the service they are accessing.

Designed for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal service providers, these workshops are beneficial to organisations who have Aboriginal employees and colleagues. We explore practical strategies that lead to deconstructing Aboriginal disadvantage and help to create and maintain culturally safer environments.


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2. Aboriginal Griefology – Averting Mental Health Challenges

Three Day Program

The aim of this workshop is to help your organisation to better support Aboriginal individuals, families and communities within the realm of mental health.

Rosemary explores how inter-generational suppressed unresolved grief has compounded and complicated contemporary grief. And, as such, it has a significant relationship to Aboriginal mental health challenges, particularly how it relates to completed suicides and how it could be a model to preventing suicide.

For Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal service providers, the workshop is culturally safe and sensitive to the needs of the Aboriginal community.

“Awareness of a different perspective of the genesis of mental disorders”.

Adelaide Trainee – SA Psychiatry Branch Training Committee (2020)



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3. Be Your Own Advocate Workshop

Two Day Program

This inspirational workshop will assist Aboriginal participants to become confident in advocating on their own behalf.  In being a part of the solution, they can transform their own lives and their family, out of Aboriginal disadvantage and into sustainable prosperity.

Rosemary demonstrates how thinking creatively, working innovatively, and acting independently can change lives. Drawing extensively on her own story, she provides clear advice on how Aboriginal people can use their own intuitive intelligence to create and maintain resilience.

Rosemary’s key message is: you can be the change you want for your community.

Come along to be informed, be challenged and leave inspired.


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4. Aboriginal Women in Leadership Roles

Two Day Program

This program supports Aboriginal women, assisting them to advance and become successful leaders and mentors in their chosen field.

Based on Rosemary’s Seven Phases to Integrating Loss and Grief© model, the program directly addresses the needs of Aboriginal women who are working in organisations that work with (or have a desire to work with) Aboriginal individuals and communities. Together, we explore pathways out of Aboriginal disadvantage and into Aboriginal prosperity.


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5. Loss and Grief First Aid

Two Day Program

This unique program, based on the Seven Phases to Integrating Loss and Grief© model, will train staff (of all levels) to be first-responders when a critical incident occurs in the workplace or to their colleagues. The training is relevant to a personal loss experience in the life of a colleague.

Organisations are recognising that there may be occasions when an employee’s work performance can be affected by problems experienced in their professional working life and their personal and family life.

Applying their skills and understanding, the loss and grief first responders can contribute to the reduction in the levels of distress among employees; in the numbers of stress-related illnesses; support in the overall work performance; support in the general health and welfare of employees; improvement in retention.


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The Healing Centre for Griefology understands and values the concerns of confidentiality, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.